The American rider has won with authority in the second classic of the Navarra Womens Elite Classics with start and finish in Pamplona and a distance of 124.8 km.
Pamplona, May 11, 2022. Veronica Ewers (EF Education – TIBCO – SVB) has been the winner of the second of the two races that have been held in Navarra, corresponding to the Womens Elite Classics 2022, with departure from Pamplona and arrival, also, to the capital of Navarra, with a time of 3:27:52. Second was Ane Santesteban (Team Bikeeexchange – Jayco), 35 seconds behind, and third, Kristen Faulkner (Team Bikeeexchange – Jayco), 58 seconds behind the winner.
Ewers already tried to win yesterday in the “Emakumeen Nafarroako Klasikoa 2022”, but finally finished second. Today she has taken her particular revenge by showing off on the roads of Navarre and crossing the finish line alone in the “Clásica de Féminas de Navarra 2022”. Both races are part of the Navarra Women’s Elite Classics.
If yesterday’s day was hard, today’s day, in addition to its hardness, was difficult. A little more than 120 kilometers to climb seven walls and a pass. Some walls have been terrifying and have reached a maximum gradient of up to 25%.Terrible for some riders who already came with loaded legs after yesterday’s day.
The heat has made more difficult, if possible, the cycling event that has counted with the participation of 108 riders from 21 different teams.The day of “the walls”, the narrow passages, the steep and endless roads have raised Veronica Ewers who has taken advantage of her quality and, of course, her opportunity, to give a claw to the rest of teammates and reach Pamplona alone.
Heavy legs and climbs to the walls of Olaverri, Tiebas, Biurrrun, Tirapu, Artajona, the Alto del Perdón, Zariquiegui and, to finish, Galar, just ten kilometers from the finish line.
After a day that has had only the first 25 kilometers to ride, the rest of the road has been a real suffering. The riders came and went and the peloton was hardly in control. The good breakaway came after Tirapu with the start of the group of four riders: Veronica Ewers (EF Education – TIBCO – SVB), Ane Santesteban (Team Bikeeexchange – Jayco), Kristen Faulkner (Team Bikeeexchange – Jayco) and Mireia Benito (Massi Tactic Womens Team).
With the passing of the kilometers and the climbs to the last two walls, Zariquiegui and Galar, the riders have been left behind without being able to withstand the power of Ewers who, at full pedaling, has been opening a gap to reach Pamplona victorious and alone.